8 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Digital Transformation
Sep 27, 202210 mins read
Digital transformation means more empowered businesses, modernized legacy processes, accelerated workflows, strengthened security, and increased profitability.
Since the pandemic hit us all, it left us to grapple with unexpected change and put us under the urgent need to be digitally transformed as soon as possible. Perhaps this is why 90% of businesses have transformed their sensitive business data to the cloud. Digital transformation is not just about migrating your data to the cloud; it is much more.
What is Digital Transformation Definition?
Digital transformation proclaims to revolutionize the ways businesses operate. In the past, businesses relied on traditional methods to reach their target market. However, with the advent of digital transformation, companies can now tap into a whole new world of potential customers.
In short, digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new—or improve existing—business processes, products, and services. It’s about using technology to make your business more efficient, agile, and customer-centric.
Why is Digital Transformation Important?
Advanced technology fuels everything good happening in the digital world. One of the biggest wonders of modern technology is utilizing the power of automated workflows, machine learning, and AI-based advanced processing is helping businesses connect the dots and empower teams, clients, and their businesses.
To sum up — digital transformation transforms everything, including systems, processes, workflows, and culture.

8 Main Reasons for Digital Transformation of Your Business
As modern technology aims to empower humankind by making their jobs and lives easier. It also ensures to change the trend that all good things should not be overpriced.
Digital transformation is the key to transforming your businesses, operations, and helps with lower operational costs.
As shifting data to a public, private, or hybrid cloud environment is a cheaper and more secure source. It liberates you from hardware and software costs while releasing team members to work on other projects.
Here are eight reasons why your business needs a digital transformation:
1. Enhanced data collection
Businesses collect tons of consumer data and try to use it to benefit their business. The fundamental role of digital transformation is to drill down the correct information out of mass automation data and help people in business use this information for business intelligence at the next higher level.
When it comes to data evaluation, it is essential to determine how consumer data is collected, stored, analyzed, and utilized. The collected raw information is transformed into insights that clarify different touch points. For instance, it offers a single view of the customer journey, operations, process, production, finance, and business prospects.
As the world is fast, consumers want more immediate results to want more transparency and visibility into matters, especially regarding their data privacy. Businesses want to ensure that sensitive data flows into their customer management software, knowing it’s safe and protected with the layer of SaaS data encryption. Digital transformation provides the transparency of the customer journey, which gives your clients perfect liberty over their data seeing it being secured.
2. Robust resource management
Digital transformation brings the complete information to one place for multiple layers of teams to gain more visibility and transparency. Instead of keeping important data on different software and databases, data transformation insists on collecting data under one protected roof. Therefore, digital transformation integrates all applications, databases, and software into one central repository for more security and transparency and to make the best business decisions.
By becoming one functional unit, digital transformation encompasses all areas of the business to invigorate the growth of innovation and efficiency of all business units. From sales to marketing and from finance to C suite, all multilayered teams benefit from the transparency and visibility of the entire data. Without wasting time, it improves the internal process to optimize the efficiency of teams and get the job done more efficiently and in half time.

3. Data-driven insights
Data is valuable information to unlock in-depth insights to understand your customers’ needs better, resolve their solutions on time, and help you build a business strategy that is even more customer-centric. The automation tools hosted by digital transformation use structured data by separating unstructured data, such as social media metrics, to drive business growth.
Hence, data empowers your strategies to offer more relevant, customized lists and valuable content to promote your business and help your clients simultaneously.
4. A better customer experience
Customers today expect a personalized, seamless, and omnichannel experience. If you want to keep them happy (and keep them coming back), you need to meet—and exceed—their expectations.
Digital transformation helps you interact with your customers directly through social media and other online channels. You can also use data analytics to understand your customers’ needs and wants better.
Digital transformation unlocks efficiency for your team while delivering a more seamless and intuitive experience for your users. With the advanced technology backing up everything, consumers have higher expectations of experiencing digital experiences. They have more choices with cost-effective products that deliver faster results.
Therefore, businesses need to stay competitive in offering the best customer experience in terms of fulfilling their needs, resolving problems on time, and meeting their expectations. For instance, consider the case of Eachnight, an online mattress retailer that has harnessed digital transformation to revolutionize the way customers choose their mattresses. They provide an innovative mattress quiz, allowing customers to assess their physical condition and select the ideal mattress without the need for a doctor’s consultation. Moreover, they offer a convenient tool to calculate the precise amount of sleep required for optimal rest, exemplifying how digital transformation can empower businesses to cater to customer needs efficiently. In a world full of unexpected changes, the only key driver to sustainable business growth is to stick with the needs of your consumers.
Here, digital transformation helps you with intelligent analytics that give you helpful information on how you can bring value to your customers’ lives. It gives you more empowerment over user data and the autonomy to make the best business decisions.
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5. Digital culture for more productive collaborations

The reason to adopt the digital transformation is to prevail a positive digital culture that helps your teams maintain work-life balance and offer transparency to your clients. Positive work culture is equally important as the right tools cut out to your business needs.
Digital culture is a useful tool to provide a seamless way to collaborate with teams in a transparent work environment, helping them to get to the bottom of the problems very fast and helping your customers stay at the same level of understanding. The people in businesses are so in love with digital culture for its sustainability, up-scaling digital learning for teams, and automating business tasks that help everyone prosper.
6. Increased profits
The higher goals are to cut the cost of in-house equipment, and tools for marketing operations and management tasks like adopting enterprise recruitment software, leading to increase efficiency and profitability.
According to the results calculated by the SAP center for business insights and Oxford economics exhibit the facts:
- 80% of successfully digitally transformed businesses have faced increased profitability and efficiency.
- 85% of them say they can increase their market share.
- Overall, the entrepreneurs expect 23% higher revenue growth than their competitors, who are just behind in their journey of digital transformation.
7. Increased agility
Agility is not the future, agility has become the present.
Digital transformation is playing its 100% role in making the organization more agile. Automating repetitive tasks and transparency into operations, helping to produce faster results, is the agility businesses look forward to when they adopt the digital transformation process. It improves speed-to-market and continuously adopts improvement strategies.
It’s a complete package of faster innovations, adaptations, and improvements.
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8. Increased productivity
With the right mindset, more streamlined workflows, and more efficient teams—higher productivity is unlocked. The key solution is automating manual tasks and data integration throughout the organization while empowering teams to work efficiently. Additionally, they will be able to collaborate with others more easily through online channels.
Digital transformation is necessary to bring in positive change in the growth journey of your business, and to help get ahead of your competition. Share with us how the digital transformation has improved your business processes by making you and your team more productive.